Civility means different things to different people, although most land on certain ideas. Before we dig deeper into exploring the meaning of civility, let’s define some key terms. 

What do various experts say about the concept of civility?

"Civility is the baseline of respect that we owe one another in public life, [...] and when people talk about a crisis in civility, they usually are reporting their sense that there is not a shared understanding of what that baseline of respect ought to be."

Bybee provides a simple yet comprehensive explanation of civility here. Do his interpretation resonate with you? What changes would you make to his definition? Let’s shift to another interpretation, which offers a different, more inherently skeptical perspective. Which quote aligns more closely with your experience?

"Civility has been about making sure that the status quo, the hierarchy of the status quo at the moment, which means racial inequality, gender inequality, class inequality, stays permanent. It's a fraught term. It carries the echoes of that historical and bigoted definition of the civilized versus the savage. Maybe this moment feels like a crisis, but when people call for a restoration of civility, who gets to define it? Who gets to rewrite the social contract?"
Lynn Itagaki
University of Missouri

Let’s take a moment to reflect on the above quote. Itagaki centers the important question of who gets to say what is and is not civil, particularly given power differences. Does this imply that we should have no shared understanding of civility but rather it is up to us individually to establish and adhere to a baseline? Where does that leave us in the current political climate with significant polarization? How do we agree to terms (i.e., a ‘social contract’) when engaging with others? 

What perceptions of civility and its (un)importance do you hold? In your opinion, are or should there be more universal standards? Contextual but shared standards? None?