Thank you for joining us! #CivilityVT seeks to promote dialogue and deliberation across the Virginia Tech community and far beyond. We believe that there are techniques we can all use to improve the quality of our discourse to the benefit of ourselves,  those we seek to converse with, and the decisions we make around critical matters on which we disagree.

This is a three-part program:

  1. This interactive online module is designed to explore key issues of civility and civil discourse, active listening, and ground rules for healthy conversation.
  2. Once you have completed this module, we encourage you to practice them with a friend or family member.
  3. Last but not least, we ask you to participate in an online ‘debriefing’, back on this website to reflect on your experiences and provide feedback to us and others.

We sincerely hope you enjoy and learn from the experience! Thank you for engaging with us.